Tuesday, 21 April 2015

B & I

Bethany & I,
1 year & 7 months ago....

(Photo taken on 3rd Oct 2013)

This is baby Alexander 
(Bethany's 5 months old brother)

Friends forever *muacks*

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Uncle Bee & Aunty Khar's house-warming

Home Sweet Home
Congratulations Uncle Bee, Aunty Khar, Yen Li & Jun Li on your new home.
It's so lovely and cosy. 

Oh yummy, homemade cupcakes!

Talent time

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Easter Sunday

No Easter Eggs hunt today because mummy misplaced the bag of chocolate eggs. 
So we played slide and football in the garden instead.

We had bacon butty for breakfast. 
Jun-Wei and I loved it. Thank you Pa Pa
 Oh I am so full!
I actually had already ate some breakfast earlier. 

Time for a little snooze in my tent. Come join me Jun-Wei


Thank you Phil, Yen-Min and Jun-Wei for coming all the way from Thornbury to see us.

We love seeing you all. Make sure you come visit us in Brunei.
Big hugs and kisses xoxo

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Yen-Min, Phil & Jun-Wei's visit

Hooray Jun-Wei is here! 
She is mummy's friend's daughter. This is our first get together. 
Nice to meet you Jun-Wei!

Now, let's go have some fun. Let's go to the beach!

We hired a cute little beach hut in Walton

Tummy rumbling... something smells good! 

We ended our lovely day with Nana Bridget's signature dessert - Pavlova (meringue with whipped cream & fruits)
Mummy's first attempt at baking meringue. Thank you Nana for the recipe.
Simply delish!